The Further (Mis)Adventures of Princess Thumperhead started as a "post by email" that I wrote in college. When I moved away from school, the story widened and took on a different role for me, hence the Jester's Chronicles. Quite some time has past now and I find that I am returning to telling this weird little story, or The Trials. I suggest starting from the beginning. Some characters have been around that long...In April 2012, this story will turn 15. ....and Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, April 08, 1997

Epic I: The Announcement.

Announcing the Epic to end all epics, coming soon (in installments), as the author writes them:

The Further (Mis)Adventures of Princess Thumper Head.


Princess Thumper Head, the protagonist
Lady Vase, Slayer of Small Cars, PTH's lady-in-waiting
The Queen, PTH's mother (by adoption)
Sir Pax, Knight Errant, Lady Vase's love


The Royal Jester, the antagonist
JJ the Red, Capt. of the Guard, long time friend of the Jester
Brand the Brute, Royal torturer

The Peanut Gallery, various residents of the Kingdom of Edwardoland, who have heir own two cents to throw in.

Now that we have the cast, let's introduce the setting.

Place: Edwardoland.

Time: In the not so distant past, at the Festival of Drunken Musicians, hosted by Sir Pax.

This is the premise for the Further (Mis)Adventures of Princess Thumper Head.

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